School History

McCoy Elementary History

Michael McCoy Elementary was established in 1965 and was named after U.S. Air Force Colonel Michael McCoy.  Colonel McCoy is best remembered for being a heroic WWII pilot who sacrificed his own life to save many others. Colonel McCoy flew his disintegrating jet bomber away from homes and schools to an empty field on the edge of Orlando before it crashed.  We are proud to honor his memory by providing a quality education and nurturing environment for our students, their families, and the community we serve.

Our school has undergone many changes over the last half a century.  From the original horse-shoe shaped building constructed in 1965 to the modern, technology filled two-story building completed in 2005.   As the world and society changes beyond our walls, we too, have adapted accordingly to stay abreast of the latest developments, expectations and technologies.

One thing that hasn’t changed is our staff’s dedication to providing meaningful experiences that help students develop the skills they need to become responsible, successful individuals, prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century. 

McCoy Jets Aim High and Fly Higher!


McCoy Vision Statement

Our vision is to provide a caring and safe learning environment where each student discovers and develops their full potential and is well prepared to meet the demands of the 21st century.